Bunions are irregular bony bumps that can form on the joint that is located at the base of your big toe. Bunions can cause minor or extreme discomfort, and are caused for the most part by ill-fitting shoes, but bunions can also be the result of a foot injury. Bunions affect women ten times more frequently than they do men, with tight-fitting shoes and high heels responsible for the disparity between the sexes. Bunions can make it painful to walk, and although treating them is sometimes as simple as changing to a wider shoe, surgery is often needed to alleviate the pain of a bunion. Have you ever asked yourself "What is a hammer toe"? Many people suffer from having a hammer toe. A hammer toe is when something is wrong with your toe that makes your toe go downwards in appearance. It is a malformation. The toe actually curls under itself so that it actually looks like a claw. This can happen to any of your toes. There are many things to know about hammer toe. Toes may have a flexible deformity (some normal movement is possible) or a fixed deformity (the joint can no longer move normally). Without treatment, a flexible deformity may become a fixed deformity.
Motor neuropathy causes wasting of small muscles of foot leading to bony prominences and deformity formation like high arched foot,claw toes deformity etc,leading to high pressure at these localised bone deformity sites while walkingThis lead to callus(hard skin) formationIn diabetic patients with sensory loss,if callus grows hard like stone they run the risk of developing an undetected wound underneath the callus. Other modality patient adopts in neuropathic pain is hot water massaging with sensory loss, patients do not know how much heat should be applied so they continue to keep very hot water for prolonged periods at pain areas leading to blister and diabetic foot infections The Philippine tarsier is believed to be about 45 million years old, dating back to the early Eocene period, and is probably one of the oldest land species continuously existing in the Philippines. It is currently listed as a "lower risk, conservation dependent" species, which means that it is not yet categorized as endangered. However, if the present protection programs are stopped, the tarsier would quickly become critically endangered. In this move, the wrestler grabs his opponent's arm, and twists it to gain control over his body. The wrestler then climbs on the top rope using the turnbuckles and jumps on the chest, or back of the opponent.
The big toe, called the Hallux, is made up of two small bones called phalanges. Hallux Hammer Toe presents as a cocking up of the big toe at the joint between these two small bones. It is caused by a variety of conditions and is commonly seen in patients after they have suffered a stroke. Resulting muscle weakness or muscle imbalance in the muscles of the lower leg can result in the formation of Hallux hammertoe. A hammer toe bends down toward the floor at the middle toe joint. This causes the middle toe joint to rise up. It usually affects the second toe. Hammer toes often occur with bunions